Who are these kids and why are they calling me mom?

Sometimes you just have to put on your big girl panties and deal with it

Thursday Thirteen #6 January 4, 2007

Filed under: Family,Life,Meme — Steph @ 12:09 am

Thirteen Things: You Might Not Know About Me

1. My birthmark is in my right eye, my eye is blue with a small gold spot in it.

2. I raise hedgehogs and chinchillas and have a deep love for all animals, cats being my favorites

3. Before I quit my job to stay home with my kids, I did auto loans and rather enjoyed it

4. I am a nut for books, but I have a hard time putting them down so often end up staying up all night to finish one once I’ve started. I’m a fast reader so I can read most books in one night

5. I rather enjoy building and re-building my website and learning new, fun, ways to tweak it

6. I loathe laundry, I don’t mind washing it but I can’t stand to sit and fold it, it drives me nuts to sit still thinking of all the other things I could be doing

7. My son will be turning 7 on Monday the 8th :o(

8. My home has been almost completely remodeled in the 6 years we’ve owned it, not by choice but out of necessity. It’s nice to have a new house (interior wise anyway)

9. I am quite an emotional person, even when watching comedies I often cry at the underlying life lesson’s beauty

10. I only have the full use of one of my hands, the other I cut on a window when I was 11 and while it was very fully and skillfully repaired, it’s starting to deteriorate and will apparently continue to do so until I lose the use completely

11. I’ve been married to the same awesome guy for 6 years and am still madly in love with him

12. Lately I enjoy reconnecting with old friends and people I knew in high school

13. I am a bit of a germophobe (no clue if that’s the proper term for it), I have a hard time going to the market and to discount stores like Wal-Mart and I cringe at the thought of touching carts, food, etc… that I know others have touched. I prefer to stay home rather than go out to eat and I am really not a fan of places with buffets and salad bars. I wasn’t always like this, my son was very sick as an infant and after two bouts with RSV, two with Rota virus and countless colds, flus, ear infections, pneumonia, etc… it was determined he literally couldn’t leave the house until his immune system was allowed to recover and everyone and everything was a potential threat. I’m sure it’s not entirely normal or healthy but it’s something I have no desire to work through or move past.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


10 Responses to “Thursday Thirteen #6”

  1. suki Says:

    I’m with you on #13. Slight germaphobe here. Not too fond of shopping carts or crowded buses…

  2. Laura Says:

    i love laundry….that must be why i have 5 children!
    i love books.
    in fact my tt touches on that subject.
    my tt is up.

  3. Sanni Says:

    Thanks a lot for sharing this great TT!

    Happy New Year from Germany,


    P.S.: Please visit my TT – Thanks a lot =)

  4. Raggedy Says:

    Great list!
    Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us!
    I love books also.
    Happy New Year!
    Happy Thursday!
    My TT is posted

  5. Samantha Says:

    1. Too Cool!! I didnt know you could have a birthmark in your eye!
    2. Chinchillas are way cute!
    3. I’m about to quit work and be a SAHM!
    4. I LOVE reading!! I have the same problem, staying up all night with a good book!
    5. I like TRYING to tweak my blog 🙂
    6. I HATE folding clothes…
    7. My twin daughters just turned 4 on December 28th…it’s really hard to deal with the fact that they are growing up so fast!
    8. I just wish I owned my own home!
    9. Me too sister!
    10. I’m sorry 😦
    11. WOOHOO!!!
    12. I just recently came in contact with a good friend that moved away after highschool, she’s back in town, it’s great!
    13. Who can blame you??

    Thanks for sharing these things about yourself!
    My TT is up:

  6. Thomma Lyn Says:

    Hi! Great list. I love books and cats and animals of all kinds, too. And Happy Birthday to your son!

    Happy TT, and mine’s up, too.

  7. Caylynn Says:

    Great list! Nice to get to know you better. I also love cats and books, and I’m also a germaphobe. I carry Purell with me everywhere, and if I have to touch something someone else has touched (door, elevator button, shopping cart) I Purell my hands after, and I studiously avoid touching my face.

    Happy TT. 🙂

  8. Chickadee Says:

    Your eye sounds cool!

    Yea, I’m a bit of an emotional person too. I get choked up when I watch Monk and they show him struggling over his wife’s death. I do that with other shows too, but Monk brings out the worst in me.

    My 13 is up.

  9. marianne Says:

    What a fascinating list – thanks so much for sharing and putting yourself out there.

    I wasn’t aware you could have a birthmark in your eye -how cool!

  10. Terra Says:

    Sigh, I knew all that!!!


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